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Programming and Problem Solving (2019 Pattern)
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Unit - 1 Problem Solving, Programming and Python Programming
1.1 General Problem Solving Concepts Problem solving in everyday life
1.2 Types of problems problem solving with computers
1.3 Difficulties with problem solving problem solving aspects
1.4 Top down design
1.5 Problem Solving Strategies
1.6 Program Design Tools Algorithms
1.7 Flowcharts and Pseudocodes
1.8 Implementation of algorithms
1.9 Basics of Python Programming Features of Python
1.10 History and Future of Python
1.11 Writing and executing Python program
1.12 Literal constants variables and identifiers
1.13 Data Types Input operation Comments
1.14 Reserved words Indentation
1.15 Operators and expressions
1.16 Expressions in Python.
Unit - 2 Decision Control Statements
2.1 Decision Control Statements Decision control statements
2.2 Selectionconditional branching Statements if ifelse nested if ifelifelse statements
2.3 Basic loop StructuresIterative statements while loop for loop selecting appropriate loop.
2.4 Nested loops The break continue pass else statement used with loops.
2.5 Other data types Tuples Lists and Dictionary.
Unit - 3 Functions and Modules
3.1 Need for functions Function Definition Call
3.2 Variable scope and lifetime
3.3 The return statement
3.4 Defining functions Lambda or anonymous function
3.5 Documentation string
3.6 Good programming practices
3.7 Introduction to modules
3.8 Introduction to packages in Python
3.9 Introduction to standard library modules
Unit - 4 Strings
4.1 Strings and Operations concatenation appending multiplication and slicing
4.2 Strings are immutable
4.3 Strings formatting operator
4.4 Built in string methods and functions
4.5 Slice operation ord and chr functions
4.6 In and not in operators
4.7 Comparing strings
4.8 Iterating strings
Unit - 5 Object Oriented Programming
5.1 Programming Paradigmsmonolithic
5.2 Procedural structured and object oriented
5.3 Features of Object oriented programmingclasses objects
5.4 Methods and message passing
5.5 Inheritance Polymorphism
5.6 Containership Reusability Delegation
5.7 Data abstraction and encapsulation
5.8 Classes and Objects classes and objects
5.9 Class method and self object
5.10 Variables and Object variables
5.11 Public and Private members
5.12 Class methods
Unit - 6 File Handling and Dictionaries
6.1 Files Introduction File path
6.2 Types of files
6.3 Opening and Closing files
6.4 Reading and Writing files
6.5 Dictionary method
6.6 Dictionaries creating
6.7 Assessing Adding and Updating values
6.8 Case Study Study design features use of any recent Popular and Efficient system developed using Python
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