Unit I Fundamentals of Mechanism
Kinematic link, Types of links, Kinematic pair, Types of constrained motions, Types of Kinematic
pairs, Kinematic chain, Types of joints, Mechanism, Machine, Degree of freedom, Mobility of
Mechanism, Inversion, Grashoff’s law, Four-Bar Chain and its Inversions, Slider crank Chain and
its Inversions, Double slider crank Chain and its Conversions, Mechanisms with Higher pairs,
Equivalent Linkages and its Cases - Sliding Pairs in Place of Turning Pairs, Spring in Place of
Turning Pairs, Cam Pair in Place of Turning Pairs
Unit II Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms: Analytical Method
Analytical methods for displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of slider crank Mechanism,
Velocity and acceleration analysis of Four-Bar and Slider crank mechanisms using Vector and
Complex Algebra Methods. Computer-aided Kinematic Analysis of Mechanism like Slider crank and
Four-Bar mechanism, Analysis of Single and Double Hook’s joint
Unit III Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms: Graphical Method
Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis mechanisms by Relative Velocity Method
(Mechanisms up to 6 Links), Instantaneous Centre of Velocity, Kennedy’s Theorem, Angular
Velocity ratio Theorem, Analysis of mechanism by ICR method (Mechanisms up to 6 Links),
Coriolis component of Acceleration (Theoretical treatment only)
Unit IV Synthesis of Mechanisms
Steps in Synthesis: Type synthesis, Number Synthesis, Dimensional synthesis, Tasks of Kinematic
synthesis - Path, function and motion generation (Body guidance), Precision Positions, Chebychev
spacing, Mechanical and structural errors
Graphical Synthesis: Inversion and relative pole method for three position synthesis of Four-Bar
and Single Slider Crank Mechanisms
Analytical Synthesis: Three position synthesis of Four-Bar mechanism using Freudenstein’s
equation, Blotch synthesis
Unit V Kinematics of Gears
Gear: Classification
Spur Gear: Terminology, law of gearing, Involute and cycloidal tooth profile, path of contact, arc of
contact, sliding velocity, Interference and undercutting, Minimum number of teeth to avoid
interference, Force Analysis (theoretical treatment only)
Helical and Spiral Gears: Terminology, Geometrical Relationships, virtual number of teeth for
helical gears
Bevel Gear & Worm and Worm Wheel: Terminology, Geometrical Relationships
Gear Train: Types, Analysis of Epicyclic gear Trains, Holding torque - simple, compound and
Epicyclic gear Trains, Torque on Sun and Planetary gear Train, compound Epicyclic gear Train
Unit VI Mechanisms in Automation Systems
Cams & Followers: Introduction, Classification of Followers and Cams, Terminology of Cam
Displacement diagram for the Motion of follower as Uniform velocity, Simple Harmonic Motion
(SHM), Uniform Acceleration and Retardation Motion (UARM), Cycloid motion, Cam Profile
construction for Knife-edge Follower and Roller Follower, Cam jump Phenomenon
Automation: Introductions, Types of Automation
Method of Work Part Transport: Continuous transfer, Intermittent or Synchronous Transfer,
Asynchronous transfer, Different type of transfer mechanisms - Linear transfer mechanisms and
Rotary transfer mechanisms
Automated Assembly-Line: Types, Assembly line balancing Buffer Storages, Automated assembly
line for car manufacturing, Artificial intelligence in automation