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Physical Chemistry-IV
Other university all, Chemistry Semester 4, Physical Chemistry-IV Syllabus
Physical Chemistry-IV Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Conductance-I
Unit – 1
1.1 Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation
1.2 Conductivity Equivalent and molar conductivity and their variation with dilution for weak and strong electrolytes.
1.3 Molar conductivity at infinite dilution.
1.4 Kohlrausch law of independent migration of ions.
1.5 DebyeHuckel –Onsager equation Wien effect.
1.6 Waldens rules.
Unit - 2 Conductance-II
Unit – 2
2.1 Ionic velocities mobilities and their determinations
2.2 Transference numbers and their relation to ionic mobilities
2.3 Determination of transference numbers using Hittorf and Moving Boundary methods
2.4 Applications of conductance measurement
Unit - 3 Electrochemistry-I
Unit 3
3.1 Quantitative aspects of Faradays laws of electrolysis
3.2 Rules of oxidationreduction of ions based on half –cell potentials.
3.3 Applications of electrolysis in metallurgy and industry.
3.4 Chemical cells
3.5 Reversible and irreversible cells with examples.
3.6 Electromotive force of a cell and its measurement
3.7 Nernst equation Standard electrode reduction potential and its application to different kinds of halfcells.
3.8 Application of EMF measurements in determining free energy.
3.9 Enthalpy and entropy of a cell reaction.
3.10 Equilibrium constants
3.11 pH values using hydrogen Quinonehydroquinone glass electrodes.
Unit - 4 Electrochemistry-II
Unit 4
4.1 Concentration cells with and without transference liquid junction potential determination of activity coefficients and transference numbers. Qualitative discussion of potentiometric titrations acid base redox precipitation
4.2 Electrical properties of atoms and molecules.
4.3 Basic ideas of electrostatics
4.4 Electrostatics of dielectric media
4.5 Clausius Mosotti equation and LorenzLaurentz equation.
4.6 Dipole moment and molecular polarizabilities and their measurements.
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