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Organic Chemistry-V
Other university all, Chemistry Semester 6, Organic Chemistry-V Syllabus
Organic Chemistry-V Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Amino Acids, Peptides And Proteins
Unit 1
Amino Acids Peptides and Proteins
1.1 Amino Acids Peptides and Proteins
1.2 Amino acids Classification αAmino acids Synthesis
1.3 Ionic properties and reactions
1.4 Zwitterions
1.5 pKa values
1.6 Isoelectric point and electrophoresis
1.7 Peptides Classification
1.8 Determination of their primary structures end group analysis
1.9 Methods of peptide synthesis
1.10 Synthesis of peptides using Nprotecting
1.11 CORE PAPER protecting and CORE PAPER activating groupsSolidphase synthesis
1.12 Proteins Structure of proteins
1.13 Protein denaturation and renaturation
Unit - 2 Enzymes And Nucleic Acids
Unit 2
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Classification and characteristics of enzymes
2.3 Salient features of active site of enzymes
2.4 Mechanism of enzyme action.
2.5 Factors affecting enzyme action
2.6 Coenzymes and cofactors and their role in biological reactions.
2.7 Specificity of enzyme action
2.8 Enzyme inhibitors and their importance
2.9 Phenomenon of inhibition
2.10 Nucleic Acids
2.11 Components of nucleic acids
2.12 Nucleosides and nucleotides
2.13 Structure Synthesis and reactions of Adenine Guanine Cytosine Uracil and Thymine Structure of polynucleotides
2.14 Structure of polynucleotides
Unit - 3 Lipids And Concept Of Energy In Biosystems
Unit 3
3.1 Lipids
3.2 Introduction to oils and fats common fatty acids present in oils and fats
3.3 Hydrogenation of fats and oils
3.4 Saponification value
3.5 Acid value
3.6 Iodine number
3.7 Reversion and rancidity
3.8 Concept of Energy in Biosystems
3.9 Cells obtain energy by the oxidation of foodstuff organic molecules
3.10 Introduction to metabolism catabolism and anabolism
3.11 Overview of catabolic pathways of fat and protein
3.12 Interrelationship in the metabolic pathways of protein
3.13 Fat and carbohydrate
3.14 Caloric value of food
3.15 Standard caloric content of food types
Unit - 4 Pharmaceutical Compounds: Structure And Importance
Unit 4
Pharmaceutical Compounds Structure and Importance
4.1 Pharmaceutical Compounds Structure and Importance Classification
4.2 Structure and therapeutic uses of antipyretics
4.3 Paracetamol with synthesis
4.4 Analgesics Ibuprofen
4.5 Antimalarial Chloroquine
4.6 An elementary treatment of Antibiotics and detailed study of chloramphenicol
4.7 Medicinal values of curcumin haldi
4.8 Azadirachtin Neem
4.9 Vitamin C and antacid ranitidine
4.10 Dyes Classification colour and constitution
4.11 Mordant and Vat dyes
4.12 Chemistry of dyeing
4.13 Synthesis and applications of Ao dyesMethyl orange and Congo red mechanism of Diazo Coupling
4.14 Triphenylmethane dyes –Malachite Green and crystal violet
4.15 Phthalein dyes Phenolphthalein and Fluorescein
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