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Patliputra University, Bihar
Patliputra University, Bihar, Chemistry , Part - I CHEMISTRY (HONOURS) Syllabus
Part - I CHEMISTRY (HONOURS) Lecture notes
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1.1 Gaseous state Kinetic theory of gases derivation or kinetic gas equation deduction of gas laws calculation of gas constant and kinetic energy
1.2 Maxwell Boltzmann distribution law of velocities derivation not needed and energy distribution curves at different temperatures calculation of most probable average and root mean square velocities of molecules.
1.3 Real gases compressibility factor derivation from ideality various equations of state for real gases with special emphasis on Van der Waals equation of state and its application to the calculation of Boyles temperature
1.4 Liquid State Qualitative treatment of the structure of the liquid state including various approaches to the structure of liquids radial distribution function physical properties of liquids molar volume vapour pressure surface tension parachor
1.5 Solid State Types of solid crystal forces law of constancy of angles seven crystal systems law of rational indices labelling the planes Miller indices qualitative idea of point and space groups elementary idea of symmetry symmetry elements
1.6 Colloidal State Definitions classification preparation of colloidal solution and their purification properties of colloids protection of colloids application of colloids
2.1 Chemical equilibrium Reversible and irreversible reaction statement of law of mass action and its kinetic derivation equilibrium constant for homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction relationship between Kc Kp and Kx Le Chatelier’s Principle and its applications
2.2 a The First in Action Thermochemistry Heats of chemical reactions reaction enthalpy standard enthalpy changes Hess’s Law Kirchoffs law Relation between enthalpy H and internal energy U bond energies and their determination enthalpies of ions in solutions.
2.3 b Thermodynamics I Thermodynamic terms systems extensive and intensive properties thermodynamic process state functions and exact differentials.
2.4 Thermodynamics II Work done in a system internal energy first law of thermodynamics heat capacities relation between Cp and Cv isothermal and adiabatic processes for ideal gas relation between PV VT and PT for ideal gas adiabatic processes for ideal gas adiabatic reversible expansion of ideal gas Elementary idea of entropy and Clausius inequality.
2.5 Ionic Equilibrium Ionic product of water pH pKa pKb and pKh buffer solution buffer index buffer capacity buffer range pH of buffer solution idea of role of buffer solutions in daytoday life Dissociation constant of acids and bases solubility product and its applications in salt analysis Common effect HSAB concept.
Unit - 3 CHANGES
3.1 Chemical Kinetics Rate of reaction order and molecularity expression for specific rate constant of first order reaction half life period unit experimental determination of order or reaction.
3.3 Experimental determination of relative lowering of vapour pressure and molecular weight determination relation between osmotic pressure and lowering of vapour pressure
3.4 Dilute Solutions and Changes of StatesII Elevation of boiling point of solution depression of freezing point of solutions experimental determination of colligative properties abnormal colligative properties of solutions
3.5 Processes at Solid Surface Elementary idea of crystal growths Adsorption Physisorption and chemisorption chemisorbed species. Idea of catalytic activity at surfaces anticatalytic processes such as hydrogenation oxidation cracking and reforming.
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