Shivaji University, Maharashtra, Computer Engineering Semester 4, Computer Organization and Architecture Syllabus

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Unit-1 Computer Evolution and performance
Evolution of computer – Mechanical Era: Babbage’s Difference Engine, Electronic Era:
First-generation, IAS Computers, Instruction Set and Instruction Execution, Second 
generation, Input-Output Operation, Programming Language, Third generation and VLSI
Era – IC Circuits, Performance Consideration, and Measures, Speed up Techniques,
Difference between RICS and CISC.

Unit-2 Input and OutputOrganization
Accessing I/O devices, Direct Memory Access (DMA), Buses: SynchronousBusand 
Asynchronous Bus, Interface Circuits, Standard IO Interface.

Unit-3 Arithmetic
Addition and Subtraction of Signed Numbers, Design of fast Adders, Multiplication of 
Positive numbers, Signed Operand Multiplication, Fast Multiplication, Integer Division,
Floating Point Number Operations: IEEE 754 Floating Point Format, Arithmetic Operations
The Processing Unit

Unit-4 Some fundamental Concepts Execution of complete Instruction, Multiple bus 
the organization, Hardwired Control, Micro programmed Control

Unit-5 Basic Concepts: Role of Cache Memory, Pipeline Performance. DataHazards: Operand 
Forwarding, Handling Data Hazards in Software and Side Effects and Instruction Hazards:
Unconditional Branches and Conditional Branches and Branch Prediction
Computer Memory System

Unit-6 Some Basic Concepts, Types of Memories: ROM and RAM, SemiconductorRAMmemory, 
Cache Memories: Mapping functions, Replacement Algorithms, Example of Mapping

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