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Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Odisha
Civil Engineering
Object Oriented Programming using JAVA
Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Odisha, Civil Engineering Semester 3, Object Oriented Programming using JAVA Syllabus
Object Oriented Programming using JAVA Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 An introduction to programming
Unit – 1
An introduction to programming and Introduction to Java
Unit - 2 Introduction To Java
Unit – 2
Introduction to Classes and Objects Inheritance and String Manipulations
2.1 Classes
2.2 Methods
2.3 Objects
2.4 Description of data hiding and data encapsulation
2.5 Constructors
2.6 Use of static Keyword in Java
2.7 Use of this Keyword in Java
2.8 Array of Objects
2.9 Concept of Access Modifiers Public Private Protected Default
2.10 Inheritance Understanding Inheritance
2.11 Types of Inheritance and Java supported Inheritance
2.12 Significance of Inheritance
2.13 Constructor call in Inheritance
2.14 Use of super keyword in Java
2.15 Polymorphism
2.16 Understanding Polymorphism
2.17 Types of polymorphism
2.18 Significance of Polymorphism in Java
2.19 Method Overloading
2.20 Constructor Overloading
2.21 Method Overriding
2.22 Dynamic Method Dispatching
2.23 String Manipulations Introduction to different classes
2.24 String class
2.25 String Buffer
2.26 String Builder
2.27 String Tokenizer
2.28 Concept of Wrapper Classes
2.29 Introduction to wrapper classes
2.30 Different predefined wrapper classes
2.31 Predefined Constructors for the wrapper classes
2.32 Conversion of types from one type Object to another type Primitive and Vice versa
2.33 Concept of Auto boxing and unboxing
Unit - 3 Data Abstraction And Multithreading
Unit 3
Data Abstraction and Multithreading
3.1 Basic of Data Abstraction
3.2 Understanding Abstract Classes
3.3 Understanding Interfaces
3.4 Multiple inheritances using interfaces
3.5 Packages Introduction to Packages
3.6 Java API Packages
3.7 UserDefined Packages
3.8 Accessing Packages
3.9 Error and Exception Handling Introduction to error and exception
3.10 Types of exceptions and difference between the types
3.11 Runtime Stack Mechanism
3.12 Hierarchy of Exception classes
3.13 Default exception handling in Java
3.14 UserdefinedCustomized Exception Handling
3.15 Exception Handling
3.16 Understanding different keywords try catch finally throw throws
3.17 User defined exception classes
3.18 Commonly used Exceptions and their details
3.19 Multithreading Introduction of Multithreading
3.20 Multitasking
3.21 Way to define a Thread in Java
3.22 Thread naming
3.23 Thread Priorities
3.24 Thread execution prevention methods
3.25 Concept of synchronisation
3.26 Inter Thread Communication
3.27 Basic of Deadlock
3.29 Demon Thread
3.30 Improvement in Multithreading
3.31 Inner Classes Introduction
3.32 Member Inner Class
3.33 Static Inner Class
3.34 Local Inner Class
3.35 Anonymous Inner Class
Unit - 4 IO Streams And Applet
Unit 4
IO Streams and Applet
4.1 IO Stream Introduction
4.2 Byte Stream and Character Stream
4.3 Files and Random Access Files
4.4 Serialization
4.5 Collection Frame Work java.util Introduction
4.6 Util Packages Interfaces
4.7 List Set Map etc.
4.8 List Interfaces and Its Classes
4.9 Setter Interfaces and its classes
4.10 Applet Introduction
4.11 Life Cycle of an Applet
4.12 Abstract Window Toolkit AWT
4.13 Introduction to GUI GUI with an Applet
4.14 Description of Components and Containers ComponentContainer Hierarchy
4.15 Understanding different ComponentsContainer classes and their constructors
4.16 Event Handling Different mechanisms of Event Handling
4.17 Listener Interfaces
4.18 Java Adapter Classes
Unit - 5 Swing And JavaFX
Unit 5
Swing JFC
5.1 Introduction Difference between Awt and swing
5.2 Components Hierarchy
5.3 Panes
5.4 Individual Swing Components
5.5 JavaFX Getting Started with JavaFX
5.6 Graphics
5.7 User Interface Components
5.8 JavaFX Effects
5.9 Animation and Media
5.10 Application Logic
5.11 Interoperability
5.12 JavaFX Scene Builder 2
5.13 Getting Started with scene builder
5.14 Working with Scene Builder
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