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Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Maharashtra
Computer Engineering
Computer Fundamentals I
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Maharashtra, Computer Engineering Semester 1, Computer Fundamentals I Syllabus
Computer Fundamentals I Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Introduction to company architecture
1.1 Introduction to computer architecture
1.2 CPU Central Processing Unit
1.3 Memory
1.4 Communication between various devices of computer using bus
1.5 Storage Device
1.6 What is a programming language
1.7 Types of programming language Machine language assembly language High level language
1.8 Concept of compiler and interpreter
1.9 Introduction to C Overview
1.10 Character Set
1.11 C tokens Keyword and Identifiers
1.12 Constants and variables
1.13 Data Types
1.14 Declaration of variables
1.15 Defining symbolic constant
1.16 Operators and expressions
1.17 Type casting
Unit - 2 Data Input - Output
C program
2.1 Data inputoutput
2.2 Basic structure of C program
2.3 Character input and output
2.4 String input and output
2.5 Formatted input and output
2.6 Control structures
2.7 Decision making – If Ifelse nested if else switch statement
2.8 Loop control – While do while for nested loop break and continue statement go to statement
Unit - 3 Arrays
3.1 Arrays Introduction
3.2 Array declaration and initialization
3.3 Array types one dimensional two dimensional arrays
3.4 Bubble sort
3.5 Selection sort
3.6 Functions Introduction
3.7 Standard library function
3.8 User define function Declaration and definition
3.9 Parameter passing by value and by reference
3.10 Recursive function
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Other Subjects of Semester-1
Engineering physics
Engineering graphics
Basic civil engineering
Engineering mathematics-i
Basic electrical engineering
Engineering chemistry & environmental science
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