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Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Maharashtra
Computer Engineering
Engineering Mathematics-I
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Maharashtra, Computer Engineering Semester 1, Engineering Mathematics-I Syllabus
Engineering Mathematics-I Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Matrices -I
1.1. Rank of a matrix
1.2. Canonical and Normal form of a matrix
1.3. Consistency of the system of linear equations Homogeneous Nonhomogeneous equation
Unit - 2 Matrices - II
Matrices II
2.1. Characteristic equation of matrix
2.2. Eigen values and Eigen vectors
2.3. CayleyHamilton theorem
2.4. Linear dependence and independence of vectors
2.5. Linear and orthogonal Transformations
Unit - 3 Complex Numbers With Applications
Complex Numbers with Application
3.1 Geometrical representation of a complex number
3.2. Standard form of a complex number
3.3. De’Moivre’s Theorem
3.4. Roots of a complex number
3.5. Circular and hyperbolic function
3.6. Relation between circular and hyperbolic functions
3.7. Inverse hyperbolic functions
3.8. Separation into real and imaginary parts of complex functions
3.9. Logarithm of complex numbers
Unit - 4 Successive Differentiation
Successive Differentiation
4.1. nth derivative of standard functions
4.2. Taylor’s Maclaurin’s theorem
4.3. Expansion of functions using standard series and method of differentiation integration
4.4. Indeterminate forms
4.5 Convergence of power series Ratio test
4.6. Comparison test
Unit - 5 Partial Differentiation
Partial differentiation
5.1. Partial derivatives
5.2. Total differentiation
5.3. Euler’s theorem on homogeneous functions
5.4. Change of independent variables
Unit - 6 Applications of partial differentiation
6.1. Jacobian
6.2. Chain rule
6.3. Maxima and minima of function of two variables
6.4. Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers
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Other Subjects of Semester-1
Engineering physics
Engineering graphics
Basic civil engineering
Computer fundamentals i
Basic electrical engineering
Engineering chemistry & environmental science
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