Jharkhand University of Technology, Jharkhand, Electronics and Communication engineering Semester 3, Electromagnetic Field Theory Syllabus

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Module I: Coordinate Systems and Transformation:
Basics of Vectors: Addition, subtraction and multiplications; Cartesian, Cylindrical, Spherical
transformation. Vector calculus: Differential length, area and volume, line surface and volume
integrals, Del operator, Gradient, Divergence of a vector, Divergence theorem, Curl of a vector,
Stokes’s theorem, Laplacian of a scalar.
Module II: Electrostatic fields:
Coulombs law and field intensity, Electric field due to charge distribution, Electric flux density,
Gausses’ Law- Maxwell’s equation, Electric dipole and flux line, Energy density in electrostatic
fields, Electric field in material space: Properties of materials, convection and conduction
currents, conductors, polarization in dielectrics, Dielectric-constants, Continuity equation and
relaxation time, boundary conditions, Electrostatic boundary value problems: Poisson’s and
Laplace’s equations., Methods of Images.
Module III: Magneto Statics:
Magneto-static fields, Biot - Savart’s Law, Ampere’s circuit law, Maxwell’s equation,
Application of ampere’s law, Magnetic flux density- Maxwell’s equation, Maxwell’s equation
for static fields, magnetic scalar and vector potential.

Module IV: Magnetic Forces:
Materials and devices, Forces due to magnetic field, Magnetic torque and moment, a magnetic
dipole. Magnetization in materials, Magnetic boundary conditions, Inductors and inductances,
Magnetic energy.
Module V: Waves and Applications:
Maxwell’s equation, Faraday’s Law, transformer and motional electromotive forces,
Displacement current, Maxwell’s equation in final form Electromagnetic wave propagation:
Wave propagation in loss dielectrics, Plane waves in lossless dielectrics Plane wave in free
space. Plain waves in good conductors, Power and the pointing vector, Reflection of a plain
wave in a normal incidence. Transmission Lines, and Smith Chart.
Text Book:
1. MNO Sadiku, “Elements of Electromagnetic’, Oxford University Press.
Reference Books:
1. WH Hayt and JA Buck, “Engineering Electromagnetic”, McGraw- Hill Education.
2. Antenna and wave propagation by k.d parsad satya prakashan.

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