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Jharkhand University of Technology, Jharkhand
Electronics and Communication engineering
Network Theory
Jharkhand University of Technology, Jharkhand, Electronics and Communication engineering Semester 3, Network Theory Syllabus
Network Theory Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Introduction to LTI elements
Unit 1
Introduction to LTI elements
1.1 Introduction to LTI elements
1.2 Impulse Step Ramp and Sinusoidal Inputs
1.4 Analysis of zero input response zero state response
1.5 Complete response of transient behaviour of RL RC and RLC circuits using integrodifferential equation and Laplace Transform
Unit - 2 Resonance Circuits
Unit 2
2.1 Resonance Series Resonant Circuit
2.2 Effect of Q on bandwidth and selectivity
2.3 Relation between bandwidth and Q
2.4 Resonance curve with the variation of L and C
2.5 Parallel Resonant Circuit
2.6 Mutual Coupled Circuits
2.7 Dot Convention in coupled circuits
2.8 Equivalent inductance
2.9 Analysis of mutual coupled circuits
2.10 Ideal transformer
Unit - 3 Graph theory
Unit 3
Graph Theory
3.1 Introduction to graph theory
3.2 Subgraph Degenerated subgraph
3.3 Incidence Matrix
3.4 Reduced Incidence Matrix
3.5 Tie set and cut set matrix
3.6 Analysis of circuit using fundamental Tie set and fundamental cut set matrix
Unit - 4 Network Functions
Unit 4
Definition of Network Function
4.1 Definition of Network Function Transfer impedance and admittance
4.2 Driving point impedance
4.3 Driving point admittance
4.4 Voltage and current transfer ratio
4.5 Concept of poles and zeros
4.6 To obtain response from pole zero plot analytically and graphically
4.7 Response of circuit transfer function with impulse step and sinusoidal inputs.
Unit - 5 Two port network
Unit 5
Two Port Networks
5.1 Two Port Networks Impedance parameter
5.2 Admittance Parameters
5.3 Transmission Parameters
5.4 Hybrid Parameters
5.5 Interconnection of two port networks Series Parallel cascade Series Parallel Parallel series
5.5 Lattice network
5.6 Ladder Network
5.7 Equivalent T and π network
Unit - 6 Hurwitz Polynomial
Unit 6
Hurwitz Polynomial
6.1 Hurwitz polynomial its properties and test
6.2 Positive real function its properties and test
6.3 Driving point impedance of LC network
6.4 Synthesis of LC network using Foster I and Foster II Cauer I and Cauer II
6.5 Driving point impedance of RL and RC network
6.6 Synthesis using Foster I and Foster II Cauer I and Cauer II
Unit - 7 Introduction and classification of filters
Unit 7
Introduction and Classification of filters and its uses
7.1 Introduction and Classification of filters and its uses
7.2 Design of prototype constant k and m derived low pass filter
7.3 Design of prototype constant k and m derived high pass filter
7.4 Design of prototype constant k and m derived band pass filter
7.5 Design of prototype constant k and m derived band stop filter
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Other Subjects of Semester-1
Mathematics iii
Basic electronics
Electromagnetic field theory
Digital electronics and logic design
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