Jharkhand University of Technology, Jharkhand, Mechanical Engineering Semester 4, Applied Thermodynamics Syllabus

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Unit - 1 Introduction to solid, liquid and gaseous fuels

Unit 1

Introduction to solid liquid and gaseous fuels

1.1 Introduction to solid liquid and gaseous fuels– Stoichiometry

1.2 Exhaust gas analysis

1.3 First law analysis of combustion reactions

1.4 Heat calculations using enthalpy tables

1.5 Adiabatic flame temperature

1.6 Chemical equilibrium and equilibrium composition calculations using free energy

Unit 1

Introduction to solid liquid and gaseous fuels

1.1 Introduction to solid liquid and gaseous fuels– Stoichiometry

1.2 Exhaust gas analysis

1.3 First law analysis of combustion reactions

1.4 Heat calculations using enthalpy tables

1.5 Adiabatic flame temperature

1.6 Chemical equilibrium and equilibrium composition calculations using free energy

Introduction to solid liquid and gaseous fuels

Unit 1

Introduction to solid liquid and gaseous fuels

1.1 Introduction to solid liquid and gaseous fuels– Stoichiometry

1.2 Exhaust gas analysis

1.3 First law analysis of combustion reactions

1.4 Heat calculations using enthalpy tables

1.5 Adiabatic flame temperature

Unit 1

Introduction to solid liquid and gaseous fuels

1.1 Introduction to solid liquid and gaseous fuels– Stoichiometry

1.2 Exhaust gas analysis

1.3 First law analysis of combustion reactions

1.4 Heat calculations using enthalpy tables

Unit 1

Introduction to solid liquid and gaseous fuels

1.1 Introduction to solid liquid and gaseous fuels– Stoichiometry

1.2 Exhaust gas analysis

Unit 1

Introduction to solid liquid and gaseous fuels

1.1 Introduction to solid liquid and gaseous fuels– Stoichiometry

1.2 Exhaust gas analysis

1.3 First law analysis of combustion reactions

1.4 Heat calculations using enthalpy tables

1.5 Adiabatic flame temperature

1.6 Chemical equilibrium and equilibrium composition calculations using free energy

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