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Unit - 3 Natural Resources : Renewable And Non-‐Renewable Resources


Natural Resources Renewable and Non‐renewable Resources

3.1 Land as a resource land degradation Wasteland reclamation man induced landslides soil erosion and desertification.

3.2 Use and over – exploitation deforestation

3.3 Timber extraction

3.4 Mining dams and other effects on forest and tribal people

3.5 Use and over utilization of surface and ground water

3.6 Floods drought conflicts over water

3.7 Growing energy needs renewable and nonrenewable energy sources use of alternate energy sources.

3.1 Land as a resource land degradation Wasteland reclamation man induced landslides soil erosion and desertification

3.2 Use and over – exploitation deforestation

3.3 Timber extraction

3.4 Mining dams and other effects on forest and tribal people

3.5 Use and over utilization of surface and ground water

3.6 Floods drought conflicts over water

3.7 Growing energy needs renewable and nonrenewable energy sources use of alternate energy sources


Natural Resources Renewable and Non‐renewable Resources

3.1 Land as a resource land degradation Wasteland reclamation man induced landslides soil erosion and desertification.

3.2 Use and over – exploitation deforestation

3.3 Timber extraction

3.4 Mining dams and other effects on forest and tribal people

3.5 Use and over utilization of surface and ground water

3.6 Floods drought conflicts over water

3.7 Growing energy needs renewable and nonrenewable energy sources use of alternate energy sources.

3.1 Land as a resource land degradation Wasteland reclamation man induced landslides soil erosion and desertification

3.2 Use and over – exploitation deforestation

3.3 Timber extraction

3.4 Mining dams and other effects on forest and tribal people

3.5 Use and over utilization of surface and ground water

3.6 Floods drought conflicts over water

3.7 Growing energy needs renewable and nonrenewable energy sources use of alternate energy sources

Unit - 4 Biodiversity And Conservation


Biodiversity and Conservation

4.1 Definition classification genetic species ecosystem diversity classification

4.2 Value of biodiversity consumptive use productive use

4.3 Biodiversity at national and local levels

4.4 India as a megadiversity nation

4.5 Hotsports of biodiversity

4.6 Threats to biodiversity habitat loss manwildlife conflicts.

4.7 Endangered and endemic species of India

4.8 Conservation of biodiversity conservation of biodiversity Insitu and exsitu conservation of biodiversity

4.9 Eco System and BioDiversity Systems

4.1 Definition classification genetic species ecosystem diversity classification

4.2 Value of biodiversity consumptive use productive use

4.3 Biodiversity at national and local levels

4.4 India as a megadiversity nation

4.5 Hotsports of biodiversity

4.6 Threats to biodiversity habitat loss manwildlife conflicts

4.7 Endangered and endemic species of India

4.8 Conservation of biodiversity conservation of biodiversity

4.9 Ecosystem And Biodiversity Systems


Biodiversity and Conservation

4.1 Definition classification genetic species ecosystem diversity classification

4.2 Value of biodiversity consumptive use productive use

4.3 Biodiversity at national and local levels

4.4 India as a megadiversity nation

4.5 Hotsports of biodiversity

4.6 Threats to biodiversity habitat loss manwildlife conflicts.

4.7 Endangered and endemic species of India

4.8 Conservation of biodiversity conservation of biodiversity Insitu and exsitu conservation of biodiversity

4.9 Eco System and BioDiversity Systems

4.1 Definition classification genetic species ecosystem diversity classification

4.2 Value of biodiversity consumptive use productive use

4.3 Biodiversity at national and local levels

4.4 India as a megadiversity nation

4.5 Hotsports of biodiversity

4.6 Threats to biodiversity habitat loss manwildlife conflicts

4.7 Endangered and endemic species of India

4.8 Conservation of biodiversity conservation of biodiversity

4.9 Ecosystem And Biodiversity Systems

Unit - 7 Human Communities And The Environment


Human Communities and the Environment

7.1 Human population growth impacts on environment human health and welfare.

7.2 Resettlement and rehabilitation of project effected persons case studies.

7.3 Disaster management floods earthquake cyclones and landslides. Environmental movements Chipko silent valley Bishnois of Rajasthan

7.4 Environmental ethics role of Indian religions and cultures in environmental conservation.

7.5 Environmental communication and public awareness case studies

7.1 Population growth

7.2 Resettlement and rehabilitation of project effected persons case studies.

7.3 Disaster management floods earthquake cyclones and landslides. Environmental movements Chipko silent valley Bishnois of Rajasthan .

7.4 Environmental ethics role of Indian religions and cultures in environmental conservation.

7.5 Environmental communication and public awareness case studies


Human Communities and the Environment

7.1 Human population growth impacts on environment human health and welfare.

7.2 Resettlement and rehabilitation of project effected persons case studies.

7.3 Disaster management floods earthquake cyclones and landslides. Environmental movements Chipko silent valley Bishnois of Rajasthan

7.4 Environmental ethics role of Indian religions and cultures in environmental conservation.

7.5 Environmental communication and public awareness case studies

7.1 Population growth

7.2 Resettlement and rehabilitation of project effected persons case studies.

7.3 Disaster management floods earthquake cyclones and landslides. Environmental movements Chipko silent valley Bishnois of Rajasthan .

7.4 Environmental ethics role of Indian religions and cultures in environmental conservation.

7.5 Environmental communication and public awareness case studies

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