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Other university, General , Macroeconomics Syllabus
Macroeconomics Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction – concepts and variables of macroeconomics income expenditure and the circular flow components of expenditure.
1.2 Static macro economic analysis short and the long run – determination of supply determination of demand and conditions of equilibrium
1.1 Introduction – concepts and variables of macroeconomics income expenditure and the circular flow components of expenditure.
1.2 Static macro economic analysis short and the long run – determination of supply determination of demand and conditions of equilibrium
Unit - 2 Economy In The Short Run
Economy in the Short Run
2.1 Economy in the short run – IS–LM framework fiscal and monetary policy determination of aggregate demand shifts in aggregate demand aggregate supply in the short and long run and aggregate demand aggregate supply analysis.
Economy in the Short Run
2.1 Economy in the short run – IS–LM framework fiscal and monetary policy determination of aggregate demand shifts in aggregate demand aggregate supply in the short and long run and aggregate demand aggregate supply analysis.
Unit - 3 Inflation And Unemployment
Inflation and Unemployment
3.1 Inflation causes of rising and falling inflation inflation and interest rates social costs of inflation.
3.2 Unemployment – natural rate of unemployment frictional and wait unemployment.
3.3 The tradeoff between inflation and unemployment
Inflation and Unemployment
3.1 Inflation causes of rising and falling inflation inflation and interest rates social costs of inflation.
3.2 Unemployment – natural rate of unemployment frictional and wait unemployment.
3.3 The tradeoff between inflation and unemployment
Unit - 4 Open Economy
Open Economy
4.1 Open economy – flows of goods and capital saving and investment in a small and a large open economy exchange rates Mundell – Fleming model with fixed and flexible prices in a small open economy with fixed and with flexible exchange rates interestrate differentials case of a large economy.
Open Economy
4.1 Open economy – flows of goods and capital saving and investment in a small and a large open economy exchange rates Mundell – Fleming model with fixed and flexible prices in a small open economy with fixed and with flexible exchange rates interestrate differentials case of a large economy.
Unit - 5 Behavioural Foundations
Behavioral Foundations
5.1 Behavioral Foundations Investment –determinants of business fixed investment effect of tax determinants of residential investment and inventory investment.
5.2 Demand for Money – Portfolio and transactions theories of demand for real balances interest and income elasticity of demand for real balances Supply of money.
Behavioral Foundations
5.1 Behavioral Foundations Investment –determinants of business fixed investment effect of tax determinants of residential investment and inventory investment.
5.2 Demand for Money – Portfolio and transactions theories of demand for real balances interest and income elasticity of demand for real balances Supply of money.
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