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Electronics and Communication engineering
Antenna & wave propagation
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Antenna & wave propagation Lecture notes
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Unit - 5 Ground Wave Propagation
5.1 Plane Earth Reflection
5.2 Space Wave
5.3 Surface Wave
5.4 Space Wave Propagation
Unit-1 Antenna and Fundamental Parameters
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Radiation Mechanism
1.3 Omnidirectional antenna
1.4 Isotropic antenna
1.5 Basic Antenna parameters
1.6 Fields from oscillating dipole
1.7 The radio communication LinkFriis Transmission
Unit-2 Antenna Arrays
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Array of Isotropic point sources
2.3 Nonisotropic but similar point sources and the principle of pattern multiplication
2.4 Nonisotropic and dissimilar point sources
2.5 Linear arrays of n isotropic point source of equal amplitude and spacing
2.6 Null direction and half power beam width of linear array of n isotropic point of equal magnitude and spacing
2.7 Broadside Array
2.8 End fire array
Unit-3 Wire Antenna
3.1 Infinitesimal Dipole
3.2 Half wavelength dipole antenna
3.3 Ground Effect
3.4 Monopole Antenna
3.5 Folded Dipole Antenna
3.6 Loop Antenna
3.7 Effect of number of turns n
3.8 V Antenna
3.9 Yagiuda Antenna
Unit-4 Antennas for Different Applications
4.1 Introduction of Horn antennas
4.2 Sectoral Horn
4.3 E plane Sectoral Horn
4.4 The Hplane sectoral horn
4.5 Pyramidal horn
4.6 Conical Horn
4.7 Corrugated Horn
4.8 Reflector Antennas
4.9 Plane Reflector
4.10 Corner Reflector
4.11 Parabolic Reflector
4.12 Feed mechanism of parabolic antenna
4.13 Microstrip antennas
4.14 Biconical Antenna
4.15 Rumsey’s principle and Illinois story
4.16 Log Periodic Antenna
4.17 Composite Yagi Uda comer log periodic array
Unit-6 Sky Wave Propagation
6.1 Introduction of Sky Propagation
6.2 Structural Details of Ionosphere
6.3 Ionospheric Wave Propagation Mechanism
6.4 Reflection by the Ionosphere
6.5 Refraction in the atmosphere
6.6 Ray path
6.7 Critical Frequency
6.8 Maximum Usable Frequency MUF
6.9 Lowest Usable Frequency LUF
6.10 Optimum working frequencyOF
6.11 Virtual Height
6.12 Skip distance
6.13 Relation between MUF Skip distance
6.14 Multi hop propagation
6.15 Wave characteristics
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