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Rectangular & circular waveguides:Introduction to microwave
communication and EM spectrum, Rectangular wave guide: Field
Components, TE, TM Modes, Dominant TE10 mode, Field Distribution,
Power, Attenuation. Circular waveguides: TE, TM modes. Wave velocities,
Microstrip transmission line (TL), Coupled TL, Strip TL, Coupled strip line,
Coplanar TL, Microwave cavities

Passive microwave devices: Scattering matrix, Passive microwave devices:
Microwave hybrid circuits, Terminations, Attenuators, Phase Shifters,
Directional couplers: Two-hole directional couplers, S- Matrix of a
directional coupler, Hybrid couplers, Microwave propagation in ferrites,
Faraday rotation, Isolators, Circulators. S-parameter analysis of all

Microwave tubes :Microwave tubes: Limitations of conventional active
devices at microwave frequency, Two cavity Klystron, Reflex Klystron,
Magnetron, Traveling wave tube, Backward wave oscillators, Gyro
Devices: Their schematic, Principle of operation, Performance characteristic
and their applications.

Solid state amplifiers and oscillators: Transferred electron devices: Gunn-
effect diodes & modes of operation. Avalanche transit – time devices:

IMPATT diode, TRAPPAT diode, BARITT diode.

Microwave Measurements: VSWR meter, Frequency meter, Spectrum
analyser, Network analyser,Tunable detector, Slotted line carriage, Power
meter, Microwave power measurement, Insertion loss and attenuation
measurement, VSWR measurement, Return loss measurement by a
reflectometer, Frequency measurement, measurement of cavity Q,
Dielectric constant measurement of a solid, EM radiation & measurement.

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