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Other university all, Chemistry Semester 2, ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I Syllabus
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Unit - 1 Basics Of Organic Chemistry
Unit 1
Basics of Organic Chemistry
1.1 Electronic Displacement Inductive electromeric resonance and mesomeric effects
1.2 Hyperconjugation and their applications
1.3 Dipole Moment
1.4 Organic acids and bases their relative strength
1.5 Homolytic and Heterolytic fission with suitable examples
1.6 Curly arrow rules
1.7 Electrophiles and Nucleophiles
1.8 Nucleophilicity and Basicity
1.9 Types Shape and Relative stability of Carbocations
1.10 Types Shape and Relative stability of Carbanions
1.11 Types Shape and Relative stability of free radicals
1.12 Types Shape and Relative stability of Carbenes
1.13 Introduction to types of organic reactions and their mechanism Addition Elimination and Substitution reactions
1.14 Carboncarbon sigma bonds Chemistry of alkanes Formation of alkanes
1.15 Wurtz Reaction
1.16 WurtzFittig reaction
1.17 Free radical substitutions Halogenation relative reactivity and selectivity
Unit - 2 Stereochemistry
Unit 2
2.1 Fischer projection
2.2 Newmann and Sawhorse Projection formulae
2.3 Geometrical Isomerism cis–trans and synanti isomerism EZ notations with C.I.P rules
2.4 Optical Isomerism Optical Activity
2.5 Specific Rotation
2.6 ChiralityAsymmetry
2.7 Enantiomers
2.8 Molecules with one and two chiralcentres
2.9 Distereoisomers
2.10 Mesostructures
2.11 Racemic mixture and resolution
2.12 Inversions
2.13 Relative and absolute configuration DL and RS designations
Unit - 3 Chemistry Of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
Unit 3
Chemistry of Aliphatic hydrocarbons
3.1 CarbonCarbon pi bonds Formation of alkenes and alkynes by elimination reactions
3.2 Mechanism of E1 E2 E1cb reactions
3.3 Saytzeff and Hofmann Eliminations
3.4 Reactions of alkenes Electrophilic additions their mechanisms Markownikoff Anti Markownikoff addition
3.5 Mechanism of oxymercuration Demercuration Hydroboration oxidation Ozonolysis Reduction catalytic and chemical
3.6 Syn and Antihydroxylation oxidation
3.7 12 and 14addition reactions in Conjugated dienes
3.8 DielsAlder reaction
3.9 Reactions of Alkynes Acidity
3.10 Electrophilic and Nucleophilic additions
3.11 Hydration to form carbonyl compounds
3.12 Alkylation of terminal alkynes
3.13 Cycloalkanes and Conformational Analysis Types of cycloalkanes and their relative stability
3.14 Baeyer strain theory
3.15 Conformational analysis of alkanes ethane and nbutane Relative stability with energy diagrams
3.16 Energy diagrams of Cyclohexane Chair Boat and Twist boat forms
Unit - 4 Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Unit 4
Aromatic hydrocarbons
4.1 Aromaticity Hückel’s rule
4.2 Aromatic character of arenes
4.3 Cyclic carbocations carbanions and Heterocyclic compounds with suitable examples
4.4 Electrophilic aromatic substitution halogenation nitration sulphonation and FriedelCraft’s alkylationacylation with their mechanism
4.2 Directing effects of the groups
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