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Physical Chemistry-II
Other university all, Chemistry Semester 2, Physical Chemistry-II Syllabus
Physical Chemistry-II Lecture notes
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Unit - 1 Chemical Thermodynamics
Unit 1
Chemical thermodynamics
1.1 Intensive and extensive variables State and Path functions isolated closed and open systems zeroth law of thermodynamics
1.2 First law Concept of heatq workw internal energyU and statement of first law enthalpyH relation between heat capacities calculations of q w U and H for reversible irreversible and free expansion of gases ideal and van der Waals under isothermal and adiabatic conditions
1.3 Thermochemistry Heats of reactions standard states enthalpy of formation of molecules and ions and enthalpy of combustion and its applications calculation of bond energy bond
Unit - 2 Carnot Cycle, Efficiency Of Heat Engine, Carnot Theorem
Unit 2
Carnot cycle
2.1 Carnot cycle efficiency of heat engine Carnot theorem
2.2 Second Law Concept of entropy thermodynamic scale of temperature statement of the second law of thermodynamics molecular and statistical interpretation of entropy. Calculation of entropy change for reversible and irreversible processes
2.3 Third Law Statement of third law concept of residual entropy calculation of absolute entropy of molecules
2.4 Free Energy Functions Gibbs and Helmholtz energy
2.5 Variation of S G A with T V P
2.6 Free energy change and spontaneity
2.7 Relation between JouleThomson coefficient and other thermodynamic parameters
2.8 Inversion Temperature
2.9 GibbsHelmholtz equation
2.10 Maxwell Relations
2.11 Thermodynamic equation of state
Unit - 3 Systems Of Variable Composition
Unit 3
Systems of variable composition
3.1 Systems of variable composition Partial molar quantities
3.2 Dependence of thermodynamic parameters on composition
3.3 GibbsDuhem equation
3.4 Chemical Potential of Ideal Mixtures
3.5 Change in thermodynamics in mixing of Ideal gases
3.6 Chemical Equilibrium Criteria of thermodynamic equilibrium
3.7 Degree of Advancement of reaction
3.8 Chemical Equilibria in Ideal gases
3.9 Concept of Fugacity
3.10 Thermodynamic derivation of relation between Gibbs free energy of reaction and reaction quotient Vant Hoff’s reaction
3.11 Equilibrium constants and their quantitative dependence on temperature pressure and concentration.
3.12 Free energy of mixing and spontaneity
3.13 Thermodynamic derivation of relations between the various equilibrium constants Kp Kc and Kx
3.14 Le Chatelier principle quantitative treatment and its applications.
Unit - 4 Solutions And Colligative Properties
Unit – 4
Solutions and Colligative Properties
4.1 Dilute solutions
4.2 Lowering of Vapour pressure
4.3 Raoult’s and Henry’s Laws and their applications
4.4 Thermodynamic derivation using chemical potential to derive relations between the four colligative properties
4.5 Dissociated and associated solutes in solution
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