Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Maharashtra, Artificial Intelligence Semester 4, Microcontroller And Embedded Systems Syllabus

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Unit - 2 Instruction Set and Programming

Unit 2

Instruction Set and Programming

2.1 Addressing modes Introduction

2.2 Instruction syntax

2.3 Data types

2.4 Immediate addressing

2.5 Register addressing

2.6 Direct addressing

2.7 Indirect addressing

2.8 Relative addressing

2.9 Indexed addressing

2.10 Bit inherent addressing

2.11 Bit direct addressing.

2.12 8051 Instruction set Data transfer instructions

2.14 Arithmetic instructions

2.15 Logical instructions

2.16 Branch instructions

2.17 Subroutine instructions

2.18 Bit manipulation instruction

2.19 CountersTimers

2.20 Serial port and Interrupts of 8051

2.21 Assembly language programs

3.1 Interfacing of external RAM ROM with 8051

Unit 2

Instruction Set and Programming

2.1 Addressing modes Introduction

2.2 Instruction syntax

2.3 Data types

2.4 Immediate addressing

2.5 Register addressing

2.6 Direct addressing

2.7 Indirect addressing

2.8 Relative addressing

2.9 Indexed addressing

2.10 Bit inherent addressing

2.11 Bit direct addressing.

Unit 2

Instruction Set and Programming

2.1 Addressing modes Introduction

2.2 Instruction syntax

2.3 Data types

2.4 Immediate addressing

2.5 Register addressing

2.6 Direct addressing

2.7 Indirect addressing

2.8 Relative addressing

2.9 Indexed addressing

2.10 Bit inherent addressing

2.11 Bit direct addressing.

2.12 8051 Instruction set Data transfer instructions

2.14 Arithmetic instructions

2.15 Logical instructions

2.16 Branch instructions

2.17 Subroutine instructions

2.18 Bit manipulation instruction

2.19 CountersTimers

2.20 Serial port and Interrupts of 8051

2.21 Assembly language programs

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