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Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Maharashtra
Artificial Intelligence
Object Oriented Programming using Java
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Maharashtra, Artificial Intelligence Semester 4, Object Oriented Programming using Java Syllabus
Object Oriented Programming using Java Lecture notes
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Unit 1
Java Basics
1.1 Java Basics
1.2 Basics of objects and classes in java Constructors
1.3 Visibility modifier
1.4 History of Java
1.5 JVM architecture
1.6 Data types
1.7 Variables
1.8 Arrays
1.9 Operators
1.10 Control statements
1.11 Basics of Java programming
1.12 Control structures including selection
1.13 Looping
1.14 Java methods
1.15 Overloading
1.16 Math class
1.17 Arrays in java
Unit 2
Inheritance and Polymorphism
2.1 Basic concepts of Inheritance
2.2 Types of inheritance
2.3 Member access rules
2.4 this keyword
2.5 Super keyword
2.6 Method Overloading
2.7 Method Overriding
2.8 Abstract Classes
2.9 Final keyword
Unit 2
Inheritance and Polymorphism
2.1 Basic concepts of Inheritance
2.2 Types of inheritance
2.3 Member access rules
2.4 this keyword
2.5 Super keyword
2.6 Method Overloading
2.7 Method Overriding
2.8 Abstract Classes
2.9 Final keyword
Unit 3
Interfaces and Packages
3.1 Defining an interface
3.2 Implement interfaces
3.3 Accessing implementations through interface references
3.4 Extending interface
3.5 Packages Defining creating and accessing a package
3.6 Understanding Class path
3.7 Importing packages
4.1 Concepts of streams Stream classes Byte and Character stream
Unit 3
Interfaces and Packages
3.1 Defining an interface
3.2 Implement interfaces
3.3 Accessing implementations through interface references
3.4 Extending interface
3.5 Packages Defining creating and accessing a package
3.6 Understanding Class path
3.7 Importing packages
Unit - 4 I-O STREAMS
Unit 4
IO Streams
4.1 Concepts of streams Stream classes Byte and Character stream
4.2 Reading console Input and Writing Console output
4.3 File Handling
5.1 Thread life cycle and methods
Unit 4
IO Streams
Unit 4
IO Streams
4.1 Concepts of streams Stream classes Byte and Character stream
4.2 Reading console Input and Writing Console output
4.3 File Handling
Unit - 5 Multithreading In Java
Unit 5
Multithreading in java
5.1 Thread life cycle and methods
5.2 Runnable interface
5.3 Thread synchronization
5.4 Exception Handling Benefits of exception handling
5.5 The classification of exceptions exception hierarchy Checked exceptions and unchecked exceptions
5.6 Usage of try catch throw throws and finally
3.1 Spur Gears Tooth forms
Unit 5
Multithreading in java
Unit 5
Multithreading in java
5.1 Thread life cycle and methods
5.2 Runnable interface
5.3 Thread synchronization
5.4 Exception Handling Benefits of exception handling
5.5 The classification of exceptions exception hierarchy Checked exceptions and unchecked exceptions
5.6 Usage of try catch throw throws and finally
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Other Subjects of Semester-4
Theory of computation
Database management system
Microcontroller and embedded systems
Introduction to artificial intelligence
Mathematical foundations for artificial intelligence
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