Unit I:
Human Resource Management: Concept and Functions, Role, Status and competencies of HR
Manager, HR Policies, Evolution of HRM. Emerging Challenges of Human Resource
Management; workforce diversity, empowerment, Downsizing; VRS; Human Resource
Information System;
Unit II
Acquisition of Human Resource: Human Resource Planning- Quantitative and Qualitative
dimensions; job analysis – job description and job specification; Recruitment – Concept and
sources; Selection – Concept and process; test and interview; placement induction.
Unit III
Training and Development; Concept and Importance; Identifying Training and Development
Needs; Designing Training Programmes; Role Specific and Competency Based Training;
Evaluating Training Effectiveness; Training Process Outsourcing; Management Development;
Career Development.
Unit IV
Performance appraisal; nature and objectives; Modern Techniques of performance appraisal;
potential appraisal and employee counseling; job changes - transfers and promotions.
Compensation: concept and policies; job evaluation; methods of wage payments and incentive
plans; fringe benefits; performance linked compensation.
Unit V
Maintenance: employee health and safety; employee welfare; social security; Employer Employee
relations- an overview. Grievance handling and redressal Industrial Disputes causes and settlement