1.Meaning, concept, function , & importance of personnel management, role of a personnel manager, personnel policies Need of a personnel policies, org anization of personnel Department ( functional basis, service basis and chentile basis)
2. Manpower planning : Meaning & concept, need for manpower planning, types of manpower planning, meaning and concept of job analysis, job description & job specification, uses of job analysis information, Recruitment, selection meaning and steps of selection process, meaning of induction
3.Training and develop : Meaning, need & importance for training, method of training, development meaning of development, method of development.
4.Performance appraised :(a)Meaning, Objective, method of performance appraisal .
(b)Transfer : meaning objective, types.
(c) Promotion : Meaning , policies, basis of promotion.( Separation : Resignation, Discharge & Dismissal, Suspension & Retrenchment, Layoff.
5.Wages and salary administration :(a). Meaning purpose & principle of wage & salary administration, factors influencing wage & salary adminis tration.
( b).Meaning of wage &salary, minimum wage , fair wage& living , wage.
(c). Meaning of money and real wage.
(d). Methods of wage payment time rate & piece rate.
(e). Incentive Financial Incentive& non financial Incentive, method of wage paymen t based on result.
6.(a) Health, safety and welfare facilities.
(b)social security
(1 )meaning and concepts, objective.
(2) form of social security social insurance &social assistance.
( c) Problem arising from diseas e , invalidity , accident, old age and unemployment.
7.( a).Industrial Relation : meaning & concept, changing concept of industrial relation, role played by the employer, trade union & government, current I. R. position in India, I.R. policies of government of India.
(b). Trade Union : Meaning and concept, objective, functions, type, method of trade union.
Reference Book :
1. Industrial relation, Trade Union & Labour Relation by G.P.Sinha & PRN Sinha, Pearson.