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I Elements of Satellite Communication, Orbital mechanics, look angle and orbit determination, launches and lauch vehicle, orbital effects, Introduction to geo- synchronous and geo-stationary satellites.

II Satellite sub-systems: Attitude and Orbit control systems, Telemetry, Tracking and command control system, Power supply system, Introduction to satellite link design, basic transmission theory, system noise temperature and G/T ratio, design of down link and uplink, design of satellite links for specified C/N, satellite data communication protocols.

III Direct broadcast satellite television and radio, satellite navigation and the global positioning systems, GPS position location principle, GPS receivers and codes, Satellite Signal Acquisition, GPS navigation Message, GPS Signal Levels, Timing Accuracy, GPS Receiver Operation.

IV Introduction to radar, radar block diagram and operation, radar frequencies, Applications of radar, The Radar Equation: Detection of signals in noise , Receiver noise and the signal to noise ratio, Probabilities of detection and false alarm, Integration of Radar Pulses, Radar cross section of targets, Radar cross section fluctuations, Transmitter Power, Pulse Reception Frequency , Antenna Parameters, System Losses.

V Tracking Radar: sequential lobbing, conical scan, mono-pulse Tracking, low angle tracking, tracking in range. MTI and Pulse Doppler Radar: Introduction to Doppler and MTI Radar, Delay Line cancellers, Staggered Pulse Reception Frequencies, Doppler Filter Banks, Digital MTI Processing, Moving Target Detector, Limitations to MTI Performance.

Text / Reference Books:
1. Merrill I. Skolnik “Introduction to Radar Systems”, Mc Graw- Hill.
2. J.C.Toomay, Paul J. Hannen “Principles of Radar”, PHI Learning.
3. B.Pratt, A.Bostian, “Satellite Communications”, Wiley India.
4. D. Roddy, “Satellite Communications”, McGrawhill Education.

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